I went on the BBC to talk about how Lara Croft has been voted the most iconic game character of all time

As you may have heard, Lara Croft has been voted the most iconic video game character of all time, ahead of the 20th Bafta Game Awards. Mario came in second, followed by Agent 47 from the Hitman games in third, Sonic in fourth, and Sackboy from the LittleBigPlanet games in fifth.

I was asked to talk to Trish Adudu on BBC CWR about Lara’s win, and you can listen to a clip from the show below. To be honest, I was quite surprised to see Lara top the poll, seeing as there hasn’t been a mainline Tomb Raider game since 2018. But it was a pleasant surprise, since I remain a huge fan of the character and the games, and clearly Lara is held dear in the popular consciousness. Long live Lara!

You can listen to the full clip on BBC Sounds at the 3 hours 23 minute mark: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0hhwlbm

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