Support your local independent game store!

The counter of Console Connections. Look at all that amazing stuff!

I pitched an article on independent game stores to Eurogamer a while back, and they were really keen to do it. Indie game stores are a bit of a dying breed – constantly being squeezed by online retailing and the switch to digital gaming (something I wrote about for GamesRadar a while back) – so it felt important to celebrate what makes them so brilliant.

I hunted around for an indie game store near me, and I was delighted to find Console Connections in Shildon, County Durham. This shop is just flippin’ amazing, stuffed to the gunwhales with fantastic games and video game ephemera. I spent hours in there speaking to the owner Chris, but even just as I was leaving I kept spotting amazing finds, like Low G Man on the NES and Sentinel Returns on PS1, a sequel to Geoff Crammond’s seminal C64 game The Sentinel – I didn’t even know the game HAD a sequel.

Here’s the full story on Eurogamer:

A day in the life of an independent game store

Since interviewing Chris, I’ve made a point of buying all my new games from the shop – and I’d encourage everyone to support their local indie game store. They can be magical places, and we’ll miss them if they disappear.

The counter of Console Connections. Look at all that amazing stuff!